Thursday, December 7, 2017

The fascist and socialist Christ-haters

  As many of you know, I regularly comment on various sites using Disqus.  I’ve noticed, however, a very disturbing trend.  That trend that removes whatever comment is seen as politically incorrect.  I’ve been banned from a French language blog simply because I said I hate the phrase happy holidays, and because I asked that their movie list show something other than homosexuality.  I’ve been banned from a Texas BBQ site (I’m a vegetarian, but I like to read about things like that ), quite literally, for being a heterosexual.  Meanwhile, the guy with the name “White Pride World Wide", gets off scot-free.  I don’t get it.  I never advocated violence against anyone, I never said anything racist, I apparently had a picture and they didn’t like what it was saying.  So, I guess, in the eyes of the world, it’s now a sin to say Merry Christmas, or to proclaim your heterosexuality.  Being a white supremacist is fine though, apparently.  Free speech for the privileged, I suppose.  As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.