I do not have a Facebook or Twitter, I did have a Parler, and kind of still do (seriously, see here https://rumble.com/vcnqeh-parler-is-the-scapegoat.html). I do, however, have a MeWe account. For the uninitiated, it’s a bit like Facebook, but without the pretentious “fact” checking (which, by the way are really opinion pieces). There’s a double edged sword to that freedom.
There’s a lot of Anti-Catholicism there. And I mean, A LOT. Including from “former” Catholics that follow the USCCB on their Facebook, and should really know better, but thinks Catholics worship (as in, adore), the Virgin Mary. We don’t. The Catechism of the Catholic Church says that she is honoured as “truly being the Mother of God and of the redeemer” (CCC # 963). By the way, the founder of Protestantism, Martin Luther, agreed with this assessment, he had a very high opinion of the Virgin Mary.
There’s also this weird belief that the Church is pedophile infested, statically speaking, this is false, Baptists and Episcopalians have the highest rates of sexual abuse, and this is an issue in the Protestant world, as well. Why do people target Catholics? Because America is not really a racist country (that is a myth). (https://www.christianitytoday.com/news/2019/may/lifeway-protestant-abuse-survey-young-christians-leave-chur.html it is) America, however,is an anti-Catholic country.
And, to their credit, at least some of these Protestant
groups are addressing the problem, https://www.sbc.net/resources/resources-on-sex-abuse/
There’s also this weird belief that somehow clerical celibacy contributes to clerical sexual abuse. This is a logical problem. How would not having sexual relations lead to sexual abuse? It’s circular logic. This has more to do with a sex obsessed society, than a sex starved priest. If a priest cannot keep his vow of celibacy, he should not be a priest.
And there’s also these people that think Catholics are forbidden marriage because we have celibate priests. Again, logical fallacy. One is chosen to be a priest, just as one chooses to be married. Also, the Church DOES have married priests. The Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Churches were the same Church for about 1,000 years, and the Orthodox Church has married priests. So, too, do the various Eastern Catholic churches (which, by the way, are all in communion with the Pope of Rome). No one is being forbidden from doing anything, and to say Catholics are against 1 Timothy 4:1-3 is an abuse of scripture.
By the way, there is a scriptural warrant for celibacy, not for everyone, but, for some, Matthew 19:12 is a good example of this. I HOPE you don’t think Jesus is telling you to literally make yourself a eunuch. I mean, there are a few weird groups out there that have done that, but, the text does not seem to support that interpretation. Especially if you read the previous two verses.
I will continue writing on this blog, and putting videos on Rumble, and, if at all possible, please subscribe to me there, https://rumble.com/user/AdamCSC ,
And subscribe to this very blog. If you want to connect with me on social media, add me here, https://mewe.com/i/adamcharleshovey
Most of y’all probably know me from Quizup, and it’s sad to see y’all go. God bless everyone who reads this blog.