Monday, August 12, 2024

The myth that Trump is Anti Ukraine (and Pro-Putin or Pro-Russia)

 So, why am I writing about this on a Christian blog?  Well, first of all, this is hardly the first time that I've written about politics or Trump on my blog.  Second of all, as Satan is the "Father of lies" (John 8:44), we need to clear up some things about this.

For me, while I think picking a confirmed Vatnik like JD Vance is a HUGE mistake (okay, let's do it in a Trump voice, "Yuge mistake")! 

It does seem to largely be leftist propaganda.  Check out the TRUMP administration's official position on Crimea (as Crimea is Ukraine, regardless of what Russia says).  

Check it out, Crimea Declaration

(For the record, it was largely Obama that was hands off with Crimea)

So, we have proven that the Trump administration is Pro-Ukraine, so, where does the idea that it isn't come from?

Some of it comes from Pro-Russian propagandists like Tucker Carlson (Truth matters) and because people think of Mr. Carlson as a Conservative, they believe that it's somehow conservative to support Russia.

If Ukraine wants more western conservative support, a good idea would be to refer to Putin as a KGB agent, and how he praised communism and socialism.  

There's this reluctance to criticize communism and socialism when dealing with westerners from Ukrainians (even the Holodomor museum seems to praise socialism), but, in Ukrainian, Ukrainians have no problem talking about how evil it is.

Why is this important?  Because if Ukraine can convince people that Ukraine is fighting the evils of, not just fascism (Putin is hard to pinpoint, politically, he's so far right, he's far left, he's so far left, he's far right), but of communism and socialism, the west, and especially the United States WILL support Ukraine. 

And anyone who tells you they're not our ally either can't read, is lying to you, or chooses to remain in ignorance.

Glory to Ukraine, Glory to Jesus Christ!