Okay, so who brought Christianity to the Americas? Umm, Europeans. And whilst Europeans vary in skin tone, most could probably be considered white. Then again, the people calling for the removal (really destruction) of the "White Jesus" statues, probably don't even know how the US Census defines white. I.E., like this White – A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa.". Don't believe me? Check here. About Race. Anyway, I also think that the people making this statement are not only ignorant of history (like the people that claim Jesus was black, he wasn't and isn't, he's God), but what the word "White" means. By the way, most visions of Jesus or his mother have him being, basically, whatever ethnicity the people seeing them are. I.E, Mestizo (a) (Part white, part American Indian) in Mexico, East Asian in Japan, etc. Also, I'm a little confused about the idea that the statues are "white Jesus", most of the ones I have seen are marble. You can't really tell a skin tone on a marble statue. This "White Jesus" phenomenon DOES NOT EXIST. Very few statues have that have I seen make Jesus look any race, and if they do, yes, he looks white, but not European, Middle Eastern. And also, I think there may be some ignorance on how Middle Eastern people look. Some Middle Eastern people do have gray, blue, or green eyes. Some do have blond, red, or brown hair (though, the first two, whilst existing there, are admittedly rare, but not impossible) Just as some Europeans, (especially Spanish and Greeks, have dark hair). There's also some ignorance to this. Whilst I can't usually tell what "race" (a social concept, not a scientific one) Jesus is in statues, in iconography, I have seen him and his mother depicted as African (especially Ethiopian), Asian, American Indian, and mixed race. I don't have a problem with ANY of those, just as I don't have a problem with alleged "White" Jesus statues.
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