Tuesday, November 24, 2020

An open letter to Pope Francis

   Holy Father, I have been very much a defender of your Pontificate.  I have defended many of the criticisms levied against you, but, now I feel like I must no longer hold back.  I am a son of the Church, and I recognise your position as the rightful successor of Saint Peter.  

    That being said, I think you have just made several huge mistakes.  I am not talking about your encyclicals, as I have not read them, so I am unqualified to comment.  I do, however, know, that you compared "MAGA" rallies to Nazi rallies, so it seems.  Since when did the Nazis have people of every socio-economic background, race and ethnicity attending them?

    That insinuation, Holy Father, is baseless and hurtful.  I know you don't speak English very well, so I hope you're translator tells you that isn't true, unless he or she is the one feeding you the lies to begin with.  It's hurtful Holy Father, to the Romani, Jews, Catholics, Protestants, and Jehovah's Witnesses, who lost family during the Holocaust.  

    I also know that you met with representatives from the NBA.  Whilst racism IS  a real thing, there is NO STATISTICAL evidence that Black people are shot by police at an anymore significant rate than Non-Hispanic Whites in the United States.  I'm willing to bet that the NBA did not tell you that.  

    Holy Father, you must understand that "Black Lives Matter", supports undermining Church teaching.  It is actually a Marxist group, per their own leadership.  You yourself have condemned communism.  The NBA lied to you.

    Holy Father, I hope this letter finds you well, but please don't believe everything you learn from the News.  Here, it is incredibly biased.  Keep in mind, President Trump's opposition candidate is incredibly supportive of abortion, and is called a "Devout Catholic" by our media.  Thank you for reading, God Bless.

    -Adam Charles Hovey.

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