Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Does the Devil hate Latin?

  You do know Satanists intentionally use Latin, right?  Our Lord preached in Aramaic and used Hebrew in the Synagogue, his conversation with Pilate was most likely in Greek.  So, why do some Catholics have this obsession with Latin?  Partially, because they don't know any better.  It is a language that was used for so long for the Mass (only in the west, by the way), so it must be important.  Indeed, it is.  It was the lingua franca in the western Roman empire, even during the time of Christ, but Greek was widely known.  In fact, the liturgy in Rome was in Greek until about the 3rd century. Does this mean Greek is holier than Latin?  Not at all, just that it's been used in liturgy longer.  I see people act like Satan hates Latin.  No, not in my Bible, not in Church teaching, and a good example of magical thinking.  The Devil hates holiness, does not matter what language you are holy in.  https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+4%3A1-11&version=RSVCE.  Do not misunderstand me, I do not dislike Latin or have a problem with it, but the Latin only attitude reminds me a lot of the Pharisees. 


  1. Exorcists would disagree with you on this. They have found Latin to be more effective in exorcisms. Additionally, Latin is better used because its meaning is fixed. Gay means something entirely different now than it did 100 years ago. But Latin isn't changing. Of course, no language is extrinsically better than another, they are all just ways to communicate ideas. https://www.fisheaters.com/praeternaturalworldamorth.html

  2. I am not annoyed or tired of Taylor Marshall. Thank God he's talking up about the dangerous condition of Roman
    Catholicism. People who are as annoyed don't have the drive that Taylor has!

  3. If more Roman Catholics were like Taylor Marshall instead of being asleep,or lazy or fearful concerning terrible condition of the Roman Catholic church, maybe we wouldn't be in this horrible condition,in the Roman church!
