Saturday, March 20, 2021

"I go to prepare a place for you"


        John 14


     “Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. 4 And you know the way where I am going.” 5 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we do not know where you are going; how can we know the way?” 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, but by me. 7 If you had known me, you would have known my Father also; henceforth you know him and have seen him.”

    We know that we are going to lose friends, and lose contact with people we care about.  We know that things are not always going to be as though we want them to be, and we know things are beyond our control.  Jesus know what was going to happen to him, and he knew that his friends were going to go a time without him.  He offered them words of comfort, TRUE words of comfort, not empty platitudes, because he knew they would be hurt.

    As for me; I am comforted knowing that I will see some again, either in this life, or the next.





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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Offend people with your Christianity

                        Some years ago (so long ago, I had a Facebook), I went to a Good Friday liturgy.

            Okay, so Big deal, not the first one I’ve been to, won’t the last.  HOWEVER, one of the Songs that was played, was “Were you there (when they crucified my Lord). 

            So, I had the song stuck in my head, so I shared it on my Facebook page.

            (The Johnny Cash version, if anyone is curious, and it is VERY good)

            Now, my brother, when he saw me in person (my family is very close, so we see each other often), seemed to be a bit angry at me for sharing it.  GOOD.

            Not good that my brother was angry, good that it bothered him.

            He did not have to click on the link, he did not have to listen to the song, heck, and he didn’t even have to see my posts on Facebook. 

            Now, my brother has done some growing since then, and he is on his own spiritual journey.  For all I know, that may have been the seeds.  Maybe.

            But we should make people uncomfortable with our love of Christ. 

            Not that Christ can’t comfort us (Matthew 11:28-30), but their lack of comfort when you discuss the Lord shows their need for him.

            So, some of y’all already know Jesus loves you.  Okay, great.  But, do you love Jesus?

            And I don’t mean empty platitudes on bumper stickers, I mean, when people meet you, do they see Christ IN you?  Is your personal relationship with Jesus more than saying “I’m a Christian”? 

            And these are important things. 

            A few years ago, there was something that said you may be the only Bible someone reads.  And if you’re going to be the Word of God to other people, then you need to live for the living word of God, Jesus (see John 1). 

            You can deny Jesus, and still say you know him (Matthew 7:21-23), and Jesus has some harsh words for those who deny him, (Matthew 10:32-33).  Living for Christ is more than exterior, exterior matters, but, if your interior isn’t changing, you aren’t living for Christ. 



By the way, since Quizup is probably were most of y'all are coming from to read this, you can also find me here Adam Charles Hovey Podcast, here, AdamCSC

And on Parler, here: Adam Charles Hovey

And MeWe: Here, Adam Charles Hovey